The hooded figure killed off the car lights and its engine while squinting in the dark, struggling to see what was in front ahead. With their trembling hand held on the gear firmly in neutral, the figure let the car continue to slowly roll down the hill in silence. 

Now the car wasn’t making any sound and there was no light to draw any attention from the distance so the figure was free to work uninterrupted but who would hear a car in that thick of the night and so far from the city? “One cannot be too careful,” the figure thought. The voices the figure heard was the wind whispering things the figure was uninterested in. 

Finally getting to the destination at the foot of the hill, the figure pressed the brakes and brought the car to a complete stop then as an after-thought, the figure started the car and reversed the car to make it face the direction it was coming from... ready to go. Although it was very dark and it was hard to see anything, the figure peeped out of the window to scan the area before stepping out of the car to the trunk to bring a sense of calm to their thumping heart. Opening the trunk of the car, the hooded figure pulled out a sack with great difficulty and let it drop on the ground. The same way it was difficult to put the sack in the trunk of the car to start with. The sack made a heavy thud as it landed on the ground. Without wasting much time, the figure started a painfully slow journey across the empty field until they reached a sty. 

Going by the quiet and continuous snort coming from the sty, it was clear the pigs were sleeping but that didn’t seem to bother the figure as they picked up a few stones and threw into the sty to wake them up. The first pig to feel the effect of this endeavour gave a short, sharp grunt. Others soon awake and soon, there was excitement among the pigs as the figure hurriedly started dropping large chunks of meat in the sty. The pigs wasted no time, a development that clearly favoured the now wary figure who clearly did not want to be caught. It took only a few minutes for the pigs to devour whatever was in the sack, leaving no crumbs and wanting more. For good measure the figure threw in the sack and their hand gloves then went back to the trunk to remove the bloodied plastic bag the sack had previously dripped on. Feeling accomplished, the hooded figure quickly dashed back to the car and started the car, this time hurriedly. Now that the mission was accomplished, there was no reason that could keep them in the farm waiting to be caught. This trip was a success and it was one that the figure hoped they’d never have to make again but “one can only hope”, the figure muttered before quickly driving off.


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