It is not what you are thinking!

And do not ask me, how I am sure of what you are thinking? I know because my story title says it all.
Young girl, money scavenger and all the tags or not! Holding on desperately to another person’s boyfriend or husband even? Home destroyer, hoe... Oh yea, the tags again but that is not the story today! Yes there is a side chick, with less evil qualities of course, but she is not me but I rather am him!

Did I confuse you? Well, be patient, hear me out and let me break it down for you okay?
I am the boyfriend or rather in this case the husband that is being held unto. Although I must confess, it feels more like I am the one holding unto her, because she barely lets me in. Perhaps it is a ploy to make me want her more, need her more. Whatever the case may be, it is working. 

I never envisioned myself, in any ten possible future scenarios, that I would have a side chick! Life humbles and "it could never be me" can be you when you turn a bend in life. It started innocently, but nothing was ever innocent. Intentions were known howbeit silent. Nothing was true and everything was permitted. 

Well, technically I would gladly marry her if could right away. She understands me better than I could ever understand myself. Three years and it seems more like a union except we can't be seen together in public. I love her, desperately. I fell in love with her the way you fall asleep, slowly and then at once she had me but there is a problem, one that has been a lingering experience since we started 'dating' and it is women's insatiable desire to devour something alone. To be the one, the only one, in her words “I cannot be second place”, how will I risk everything I've built to be with what is second place? Can she not see that she is the only one that the core of my being desires? 

I still love her though, probably more than I would ever love the “bone of my bone”. Hmmm! The bone of my bone indeed. Attraction is a strange thing. 

Do not get me wrong, “bone of my bone” is a very incredible human. She is understanding, dedicated, caring, takes good care of the kids and helps me run the businesses successfully (since my last partner bailed with a client's funds). I see you have assumed that she has turned to those boring unattractive housewives and just in case you think she's also overweight and stretched all over with marks, I would stop you right there because she is a size eight 5:11 lady with the flattest belly ever after two kids. “You married your spec my friends will always say”. Definitely at this point you must begin to wonder, "what on God's own earth does he need a side chick for?" 
I would answer today but honestly I do not have all the answers. I do know one thing for sure and that is I love her - she who considers herself being second but my number 1! Twisted stuff yes? I totally agree!
I would tell you more but the bone of my bone needs my help in the kitchen.


  1. Wow. 😭 Not the suspense again. I am Loving this

  2. We should really suspend you for always keeping us on suspense

  3. Now u want to tie me down here abi.. U should just say watch out for part two or three na. Nice one loving this already

  4. Really? Why did you have to just end it like thatπŸ™ˆ
    I was so reading to see what next?

  5. This... this...tbh..this is me right now but with slight differences


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